Check it's not an emergency
Call 999 now for any of these:
- signs of a heart attack chest pain, pressure, heaviness, tightness or squeezing across the chest
- signs of a stroke face dropping on one side, can’t hold both arms up, difficulty speaking
- sudden confusion (delirium) cannot be sure of own name or age
- suicide attempt by taking something or self-harming
- severe difficulty breathing not being able to get words out, choking or gasping
- heavy bleeding spraying, pouring or enough to make a puddle
- severe injuries after a serious accident
- seizure (fit) shaking or jerking because of a fit, or unconscious (can’t be woken up)
- sudden, rapid swelling of the lips, mouth, throat or tongue
- labour or childbirth waters breaking, more frequent intense cramps (contractions), baby coming, or just born
British Sign Language (BSL) speakers can make a video call to 999.
Deaf people can use 18000 to contact 999 using text relay.